Checking pedestrian crossing

The MINI retroreflectometer  improve the inspection on city centers.

The technology miniaturization allows taking the equipment on the train or metro
– a challenging task for users of traditional models –
and offers valuable technical solutions, such as an external light beam and the
use of standard AA rechargeable batteries, which are safe and easy to replace.



Maio amarelo 2019.

A direção é mais importante do que a velocidade.
Clarice Lispector

ISO 20471- High Visibility Clothing

Check the full article at Intertraffic World magazine:


The MINI Vertical is an up to four angle retroreflectometer designed to accurately measure the retroreflection RA of road signs, safety clothing and other
The innovative optical system can measure up to 4 (four) simultaneous observation angles. The entrance angle (β) can be fixed ( −4° / +5° ) or it can be
continuously adjusted by the operator. The combination of adjustable entrance angle with the exclusive quadruple simultaneous observation angles allows precise determination of retroreflection according ISO 20471 and also to all international standards.

MINI was Certified for Russia

Наша инновационная технология была одобрена независимой лабораторией

Горизонтальный MiniReflecto измеряет ночную видимость RL, дневную видимость Qd, а также видимость мокрой дорожной разметки и при моросящем дожде. Запатентованная оптическая
система, в сочетании с спектральной чувствительностью глаза, позволяет точные измерения всех типов ицветов дорожной разметки, даже профилированной маркировки до 15мм.

BR-Legal: Retrorrefletômetro Dinâmico 15-metros ABNT

Easylux entrega mais um equipamento dinâmico geometria 15-metros (NBR 14723 NBR 16410) para trabalhos do programa BR-Legal.

Toda demarcação é fotografada durante a medição. Os valores medidos são armazenados com coordenadas de GPS geodésico. Todas as tachas retrorrefletivas são identificadas. A tecnologia é compatível com qualquer tipo de veículo, com  instalação rápida e gabaritada.

Visit us

The MINI retroreflectometer is a radical innovation.
Visit us at ATSSA 2019 and get in touch with the latest technology for portable retroreflectometers.

ATSSA 2019 – Tampa – USA


Approved by DSGS

Liste der in Deutschland geprüften Deutsche Studiengesellschaft für Straßenmarkierungen e.V. (DSGS)

Messgeräte für Fahrbahnmarkierungen


Deutschen Studiengesellschaft für Straßenmarkierungen

The Retroreflectometer Evolution

It is one of the first horizontal retroreflectometer from 1980 as registered  by Steffano Pallotta.

Today, traditional models only slightly differs from that old model in regards of size and shape.

Some manufacturers pride themselves on having added color screens, a digital processor, internal memory, GPS, among other technology upgrades to the 1980 model, regarding themselves as innovators or state-of-the-art holders.


Cat eye’s Retroreflectometer

Considering safety, it is the most complete device available in the market, as it can measure road studs from angles which are according to car and truck drivers’ viewpoints.